
Virtual Staging for Small Spaces

Virtual Staging and MLS: Best Practices for Real Estate Listings


In today’s competitive real estate market, standing out is crucial. One way to achieve this is through the use of virtual staging. This innovative technique allows real estate agents to showcase properties in their best light, attracting potential buyers or renters. However, it’s essential to ensure compliance with MLS rules and regulations while utilizing virtual staging to maintain transparency and accuracy in property presentations. In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices and techniques for leveraging virtual staging effectively within the confines of MLS guidelines.

What is Virtual Staging?

Before diving into the intricacies of virtual staging, let’s first understand the basics. Virtual staging involves digitally enhancing property photos to showcase their full potential. This may include adding furniture, decor, and other elements to create a visually appealing representation of the space. Through computer-generated imagery (CGI), virtual staging allows real estate professionals to furnish and decorate properties digitally. This process involves selecting furniture, decor, and even adjusting lighting to create visually stunning representations of a property’s potential.

To learn more about the benefits of virtual staging, read our article “Virtual Staging vs. Home Staging”

Further reading:

What is MLS in Real Estate?


Virtual Staging by Digihomestudio.com

MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service in real estate. It’s a comprehensive database of listings for homes and properties for sale or rent. Real estate agents use the MLS to share information about properties with each other, facilitating cooperation and the sale or rental of properties. It allows agents to access detailed information about properties such as their location, size, features, and price. Access to the MLS is typically restricted to licensed real estate agents and brokers who are members of the MLS organization.

Does Virtual Staging have to follow MLS rules?

Yes, Virtual Staging for real estate listings typically needs to follow MLS rules and regulations. These rules vary by region and MLS organization, but they generally require that virtual staging accurately represents the current condition and appearance of the property.

Here are some common guidelines that virtual staging must adhere to:

  1. Accuracy: Virtual staging should accurately represent the property’s current condition and layout. It should not mislead or deceive potential buyers or renters about the actual state of the property.
  2. Disclosure: In some jurisdictions, MLS rules may require disclosure that a listing has been virtually staged. This ensures transparency for prospective buyers or renters.
  3. Consistency: The virtual staging should be consistent with the property’s physical features and should not alter structural elements or features that do not exist.
  4. No Misrepresentation: Virtual staging should not misrepresent the size, scale, or condition of rooms or features within the property.
  5. Removal of Virtual Staging: In some cases, MLS rules may require that virtual staging be removed from the listing once the property is sold or rented to avoid confusion for future buyers or renters.

It’s essential for real estate agents and professionals to familiarize themselves with the specific MLS rules and guidelines in their area regarding virtual staging to ensure compliance and transparency in their listings.

However, although most listing services allow agents to add real estate photos with stamps on them, some do not. So first, check with your local MLS to make sure it complies with MLS policies.

So how to display “Virtual Staging” label when allowed? You can refer to some of the ways we suggest below.

Displaying Virtual Staging Labels Ideas

When incorporating virtual staging into listings, it’s essential to provide clear labeling to indicate which images have been digitally enhanced. This helps maintain transparency and ensures that potential buyers are aware of any alterations to the property photos. There are several techniques for displaying virtual staging labels effectively:

  1. Watermark:
    Adding a transparent watermark overlay to the corner of the photo is a common method for indicating virtual staging. This subtle yet informative approach ensures that viewers are aware of the digital enhancements while still allowing them to focus on the property’s features.
  2. Text Overlay:
    Another option is to add a text overlay directly onto the image to denote virtual staging. This approach allows for clear labeling without obstructing the view of the property. Choose a clear font and position the text strategically for maximum visibility.
  3. Icon or Symbol:
    Some real estate agents opt to include a small icon or symbol within the image itself to represent virtual staging. This minimalist approach conveys the message effectively while maintaining the overall aesthetics of the listing photos.
  4. Border:
    Adding a thin border around the image with text indicating virtual staging is another method for providing clear labeling. This approach ensures that the virtual staging information is easily visible without detracting from the property’s presentation.
  5. Designated Space:
    Reserving a specific area within the listing layout or website for displaying virtual staging labels ensures consistency across all listings. By providing a designated space for virtual staging information, agents can maintain transparency and professionalism in their marketing efforts.
  6. Before and After Comparison:
    For an added layer of transparency, consider incorporating before and after comparison images into the listing. This allows potential buyers to see the transformation of the property and understand the impact of virtual staging. Clearly label each stage of the comparison to ensure clarity.

By utilizing these techniques, real estate agents can effectively integrate virtual staging into their listings while maintaining transparency and compliance with MLS rules and regulations.

Best Practices for Effective Virtual Staging

While virtual staging offers numerous benefits for real estate marketing, it’s essential to follow best practices to achieve optimal results. Here are some tips for effective virtual staging:

  • Select appropriate furniture and decor that complements the style and layout of the property.
  • Ensure consistency and accuracy in virtual staging to create a cohesive presentation.
  • Aim for realism in virtual staging to provide potential buyers with an accurate representation of the property.
  • Consider working with professional virtual staging companies to ensure high-quality results.

By following these best practices, real estate agents can maximize the impact of virtual staging and attract more potential buyers or renters to their listings.

Fast and Affordable Virtual Staging with Digihomestudio

At Digihomestudio.com, we provide fast and professional virtual staging services at affordable prices. In less than 48 hours, we will send the results back to you for approval and download.


Before: Empty Room


After: Virtual Staging by Digihomestudio.com

We have a network of world-class virtual stage editors and designers in Vietnam. To ensure the best level of service, the customer service team is located in the US.
Our virtual home staging services include:

  • Staging for empty or furnished rooms
  • Change the color of the walls and floors
  • Virtual renovation
  • Erase furniture and small objects
  • And much more!

So what else do you hesitate? Please send your information to us today for a free consultation and bring you effective, professional photos at an affordable price in the fastest time!


In conclusion, virtual staging is a powerful tool for enhancing real estate listings and attracting potential buyers or renters. However, it’s essential to ensure compliance with MLS rules and regulations to maintain transparency and accuracy in property presentations. By utilizing techniques such as clear labeling, before and after comparisons, and sliding reveal bars, agents can effectively integrate virtual staging into their listings while providing a positive viewing experience for potential buyers. With proper implementation and adherence to best practices, virtual staging can elevate the marketing efforts of real estate professionals and help them achieve success in today’s competitive market.

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Digihomestudio virtual staging service for real estate professionals
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